I did this painting when my brother was in town to help me drive home. We decided to paint one night- or maybe it was two nights actually. I worked on an abstract painting for my dear friend, Teana, and I did this painting. Todd did the purple one! It was a good time- and they ended up being great Christmas gifts for our parents! Forgive the quality- they were taken on a cell phone. I forgot to take pictures using the real camera before wrapping them up.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Mystery portrait
The Different Strokes blog challenge this time was quite interesting. We submitted a photo of ourselves to Karin and she paired us with someone else. She sent us their submission and we were asked to paint it. So, I don't know who this lady is, but she is painting a picture of me! The photo was washed out without much depth, so I decided to give the painting more. I started with a bright red surface and left some of that color showing through. I wanted to have the focus of the piece more about the red undertones and green contrasts than her bright blue eyes, so I hope that doesn't offend. Anyhow, enjoy! And watch for the painting of me here.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow day
Portland doesn't get snow often enough to know how to handle it, so everything pretty much shuts down. There was a storm on Sunday (I think I told you about that) and another one today. I think the little ones have had snow days 3 of the 4 days this week, if not all four. I really wanted to make a snowman today after leaving work early for the "inclement weather."
Monday, December 15, 2008
Work boots
This is my submission for the Different Strokes blog. I did this so completely different than anything else, ever. I kinda like it! And, it's even better in person. Some of the colors got a little muddled in the photo. I started with a bright orange acrylic background on a highly textured handmade paper. (I've run out of small surfaces to paint on, so I had to get a little more creative) Anyhow, I loosely drew the picture onto the bright orange and just started painting. I knew I wanted to use a lot of blue in the shadows to play off of the orange flecks coming through, but I didn't know where to go from there. I started this piece after finishing my Christmas painting I talked about in the last post. I needed to finish this one in a hurry considering it was already 11:30 when I started. In all I think it took about 45 minutes. I will do more quick paintings like this for sure.
6X6Oil on handmade paper
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday stuff
I had to take Mike to the airport again this morning. I was supposed to do the lesson for YW and I prepared so much! I made the cutest little planner books for the girls with a reminder of how to stay stress free. The lesson was on avoiding crisis living- basically taking control of life through time management and organization. Anyhow, during Sunday School the bishop told everyone to go home because it snowed and the roads were getting pretty icy. This is the first snow of the year. Portland just isn't prepared for snow because it rarely happens, so any little bit really shuts down the town. So, I didn't get to give my lesson, I didn't get to give the girls their cute planners, and I had to come home to my empty, husbandless house. I'm working on a painting, though, so I did some more on that when I got home. I also need to finish crocheting some fingerless gloves for the girls for Christmas presents. They are also super cute, BTW! Check the pictures below. Hopefully I will finish my latest painting today so I can post it here as well. That would be swell!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Buddha and hydrangeas
This was for Karin Jurick's blog from a couple of weeks ago. I think I might change the background a bit, but this was the submission to the site.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A post or two or three are forthcoming...
For all you followers who are disappointed in the lack of posting lately (Mom) I thought I'd show you what's been taking quite a bit of my time lately...
1. School-- This is a picture of the project I finished this weekend! I had a pattern drawn at 1/8 scale which I had to convert to 1/4 scale and redraw on cardstock. Then, I had to cut it out and glue it together. It was a fun project- harder than you might imagine. I also had a final critique for painting on Thursday night and I have a final exam for Geology Monday afternoon that I've been neglecting studying for.

2. Young Women-- As you may or may not know I am the YW 2nd Counselor, over the beehives. I found out two weeks ago that the beehives were in charge of the combined activity for the month of December. They wanted to do a Christmas party including a gift exchange and a dinner... (one wanted to provided entertainment also) Also, the bishop wanted all of the ward's activities to be focused on handmade gifts. So, with short notice we put together a fun evening for the wee things. We made different kinds of pasta and had salad, played a couple of Christmas themed party games, and had a handmade gift exchange. (My idea was to provide each girl with a box in which their gift had to fit. Notice the cute boxes in the image!)

3. This is going back a couple of weeks, but it kind of started everything off in a busy manner... I was super sick on Thanksgiving Day and a few days afterward. I was seriously wiped out- I even took naps during the days (For those who don't know, I DO NOT take naps- ever!). I don't have a picture of this, but it was pretty cute- just ask Mike!
4. Other random events and activities... For instance- our ward Christmas party. I signed up to make a dessert, so that took a bit of time. Whilst there, just minding my business, eating yummy food, I was whisked away to a corner room where some of Santa's little helpers proceeded to elf me. I became one of Santa's elves to help welcome the children and pass out gifts. This picture shows the before-- I'll see if I can find any pictures of after the transformation.

5. And, of course, I've had little kids to attend to (I quite like my job with the little tykes). Not to mention housework, dishes, laundry, and Christmas decorating and other things I haven't even gotten to.
I guess once school is done (tomorrow!) I'll have a bit more time for posting and painting.
1. School-- This is a picture of the project I finished this weekend! I had a pattern drawn at 1/8 scale which I had to convert to 1/4 scale and redraw on cardstock. Then, I had to cut it out and glue it together. It was a fun project- harder than you might imagine. I also had a final critique for painting on Thursday night and I have a final exam for Geology Monday afternoon that I've been neglecting studying for.

2. Young Women-- As you may or may not know I am the YW 2nd Counselor, over the beehives. I found out two weeks ago that the beehives were in charge of the combined activity for the month of December. They wanted to do a Christmas party including a gift exchange and a dinner... (one wanted to provided entertainment also) Also, the bishop wanted all of the ward's activities to be focused on handmade gifts. So, with short notice we put together a fun evening for the wee things. We made different kinds of pasta and had salad, played a couple of Christmas themed party games, and had a handmade gift exchange. (My idea was to provide each girl with a box in which their gift had to fit. Notice the cute boxes in the image!)

3. This is going back a couple of weeks, but it kind of started everything off in a busy manner... I was super sick on Thanksgiving Day and a few days afterward. I was seriously wiped out- I even took naps during the days (For those who don't know, I DO NOT take naps- ever!). I don't have a picture of this, but it was pretty cute- just ask Mike!
4. Other random events and activities... For instance- our ward Christmas party. I signed up to make a dessert, so that took a bit of time. Whilst there, just minding my business, eating yummy food, I was whisked away to a corner room where some of Santa's little helpers proceeded to elf me. I became one of Santa's elves to help welcome the children and pass out gifts. This picture shows the before-- I'll see if I can find any pictures of after the transformation.

5. And, of course, I've had little kids to attend to (I quite like my job with the little tykes). Not to mention housework, dishes, laundry, and Christmas decorating and other things I haven't even gotten to.
I guess once school is done (tomorrow!) I'll have a bit more time for posting and painting.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Upside Down Walker
This is the new one for Karin Jurick's site
We were given the photo upside down and asked to paint it while looking at the photo in this manner until the very end. It was pretty difficult, but I quite like the way it turned out.
We were given the photo upside down and asked to paint it while looking at the photo in this manner until the very end. It was pretty difficult, but I quite like the way it turned out.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Kambo!
This is the painting I did for Kam's birthday. She's expecting a wee one in May ish and I wanted to do something sweet and motherly.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My Etsy store
Hey all. I just set up shop at Etsy and now have a way for you to purchase paintings easily. It's called Chelsie Doodles- cute huh. Mike named it! Go here
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Long Shadows
This is another painting for Karin Jurick's Different Strokes blog. I've been in a bit of a painting slump lately so this one was kinda difficult for me- way moreso than it should have been. I also have another painting to show you that I am pretty proud of! It has to get to its owner first, though.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Portrait of a plumeria
This is based on a friend, Jyllian. She is very beautiful and has paint-worthy features! I stole the photo from another friend, Logan and he has given me permission to post it. This is done in an even different way than the other portraits. I think this turned out quite nice. What do you think?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
So, let's talk about the city scape that is forthcoming... I've been trying to decide how to make it really interesting and thought that doing it completely with a palette knife might do the trick. Problem is I've never painted with only a palette knife. I've also been wanting to paint a picture of one of the cutest little boys ever, Ian. This was quite difficult because the palette knife is good for architectural, straight elements not a human face of all things! But, it turned out pretty neat and I will undoubtedly do more with my trusty palette knife.
Monday, October 13, 2008
This was a very difficult painting. I think I should have started with a bigger surface. All those little tiny people and my big ol' brushes just caused some definite struggles. But, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. This is another painting for Karin Jurick's Different Strokes blog. It's been a few weeks, but I had some time this weekend to do it. I've got a triptych coming up that I am soo excited about, so keep your eyes peeled for that. It is quite large, though, so it will take a few weeks. Anyhow... enjoy the busy, crazy New York Stock Exchange.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
My awesomely brilliant and oh-so-loving husband has created a website for me and my art. Check it out here. I think it is still in the works, but you will be able to view my work, see which ones have sold, purchase a painting, submit photos for commissioned works, email me directly, and be up to date on all things my art! You should go to the site and tell me/ Mike what you think.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A work in progress...
I haven't posted for a little while because of two very important and time consuming things that have just started up. I found a job- yay!- and so I've started working and I get to go to school and that started last Monday. Therefore, I haven't been able to post. One of my classes is a painting class, so even though I am busy with work and school, I can still squeeze in painting- and I can get a grade for it! I have really enjoyed it so far. I thought, for sure, I'd be too shy to paint in front of other people, but I really don't mind it. I just tune out everyone else, stick in my little ear buds, and go to work. Well, this painting is obviously not finished, but I will show you the first night's worth of painting class. Also, notice the easel- that was my birthday present from my dear, sweet husband! Thanks, Mike- I love it! (I love you!) :) I probably won't be finished with this guy for a couple of weeks because I will just be painting it at class, so watch for the finished product some time. His name has got to be Rufus, but you have to say it like you're howling at the moon... "Rrrroofus!" He kinda makes me smile!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Boy, oh boy! I have a special treat for you tonight! I don't do portraits- they scare me- but I did two tonight! Well, I did one last night and finished tonight then did the second one. I did them completely different from each other so please comment and tell me which painting style you prefer. Also, I am wondering about the background colors. If you think either one should be changed let me know that also.
Okay, meet Peyton.
She is 18 months old and completely chock full of personality! She has captivating blue eyes which are even brighter against her ruddy complexion and copper hair. Her sister gave her the nickname Pey Pey, so that is what we call her.

Okay, meet Peyton.
She is 18 months old and completely chock full of personality! She has captivating blue eyes which are even brighter against her ruddy complexion and copper hair. Her sister gave her the nickname Pey Pey, so that is what we call her.

Pey Pey
6 X 6
Oil on board
6 X 6
Oil on board
Now here's Saige.
We've been calling her Saiger Macaroni for as long as I can remember. In fact, we ask her what her full name is and she responds, "Saiger Macaroni Curzon." Her middle name is really MaRee, but we love our little macaroni. She is all girl- loves to dance and sing and loves her shoes! She has long eye lashes and super red lips naturally. She's adorable.
Saiger MacaroniWe've been calling her Saiger Macaroni for as long as I can remember. In fact, we ask her what her full name is and she responds, "Saiger Macaroni Curzon." Her middle name is really MaRee, but we love our little macaroni. She is all girl- loves to dance and sing and loves her shoes! She has long eye lashes and super red lips naturally. She's adorable.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Newspaper man
We'll start with the painting for the Different Strokes blog. The photo this week was really fun to work with. I love the highlights on the man's head, hands, knee, and shoe. I also like the way the light shows through his bag and on the corner of the newspaper. Go to http://differentstrokesfromdifferentfolks.blogspot.com to see everybody's renditions.
New Paintings
Oh boy! I am so excited to show you what I've finished lately! However, I can't seem to get a good picture of anything. I guess that's probably because I keep trying to take it at midnight and the flash just distracts. Looks like I'll have to wait til morning. But, I do have one snippet to show you. This is from a portrait I've been working on of my friend and his wife. Their anniversary is coming up, so shh... it's a surprise. That is why I cannot show you the full thing at this time (even though I don't think they even come to my blog, but just in case...)
I also have an apple, a cupcake, and a figure painting of a man reading a newspaper- for Karin Jurick's Different Strokes blog. I know you are all now so excited to see what's to come! It's been a great couple of painting days!
I also have an apple, a cupcake, and a figure painting of a man reading a newspaper- for Karin Jurick's Different Strokes blog. I know you are all now so excited to see what's to come! It's been a great couple of painting days!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Janae's birthday
Today was Janae's birthday. Being the awesome family that they are, the Howards (Janae's parents) invited us over for birthday celebrations including delicious food and cheesecake. There was no passing that up! It was awesome and I hope Janae had a wonderful birthday. I took Janae this little painting of a birthday present. You all know how I've been into painting presents lately. Her favorite color is green and I thought this was pretty cute. I used acrylic this time because I needed it to dry quickly. But it ended up being more difficult to maneuver with my too big paintbrushes than I was anticipating, so it's not quite as detailed as some of the others. Oh, and- I took the picture a little crooked, so it just looks like the present is a little cock-eyed. Nonetheless, this one's a keeper!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Beach house
I decided to be a part of Karin Jurick's blog called Different Strokes From Different Folks http://differentstrokesfromdifferentfolks.blogspot.com/ She posts a different photo each week and whoever wants to can create a painting based from the photo. It's fun to see each person's own unique representation of the photo. Here's mine:

The Beach House
6 X 8
Oil on canvas
Monday, September 8, 2008
September 9 is a special day- a very special day indeed! That is my mother's birthday. Many of you know my mom and can attest to her talent and awesome personality. She's a great mother, grandmother, sister, wife, and friend to all. I hope her birthday is as spectacular as she deserves. This is the painting I did for her birthday. I got the phone call today to let me know that it arrived so now I can post it and not ruin the surprise. Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Oregon Coast
I don't normally paint landscapes. But, Mike and I went to the coast last weekend and I snapped a few shots. I didn't get anything really that great, but I liked the serenity in the photos. More than painting the scene, I wanted to paint the feeling. It's pretty neat out there on the coast. I'm pretty happy that we are a mere hour and a half away from such a beautiful place!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Itty bitty gift
So, you thought my other gift paintings were small! This precious little thing is just 5 inches wide by 2 1/2 inches tall. He's so cute! The picture doesn't really do it justice. Oh, and funny story about glazing it: I forgot about the varnish early enough to do it at a decent hour, so I just finished 'er up about 2 minutes ago in the dark. I forgot how tiny it is or something because I just kept spraying and spraying. When I ended, the liquid varnish was pooled up around the edges- like that science project where you fit as many drops of water on a penny possible. I didn't want that, of course, so I lifted the painting and let the excess drip off. I think may have put double what I needed! Ah well.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Blueberry bowl
These are the last six blueberries I have from when my parents were here and we went-a-pickin'. I love these bowls, too. They are Mike's and they are beautiful!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
5th present painting
Monday, August 25, 2008
Portland, Paintings, Portfolio, Pies, and Presents
I have quite a bit to catch up on. We made it to Portland, but in the process, had to leave behind my Hal. Luckily, though, Mike's brother helped us drive to meet up with my parents, who helped drive and unpack when we got here (thanks guys!), and he agreed to take Hal to his wife to care for and love.
We made the trek in 2 days, stopping in Pendleton after something like 11 hours of driving. Sunday, August 10, was our 1st anniversary and we spent it waking up in a bed and breakfast in Pendleton, Oregon, attending a sacrament meeting with some really nice Pendleton folk, eating year old cake at a gas station on the way out of town, driving a few more hours, and watching the olympics at the Howards. Oh, and Mike fell asleep early on Jocelyn's bed and I fell asleep on the couch watching olympics, so our 1st anniversary was super romantic!
Well, my parents and I had a fabulous next couple of days picking blueberries and driving around aimlessly in our new neighborhood. We found our way to the grocery store, steak house, The Home Depot, the outlet stores, a delicious downtown bakery, and even back home! We only needed the GPS once, or twice maybe. They left and I was seriously alone. Mike had to work, in fact he was an hour away in Salem and I was left to navigate myself around town and to sit at home in 102 degree weather (which was probably cooler than the inside of our 2nd floor apartment). I made it through the loneliness though- only because I call my mom like 3 times a day! Sorry about that, ma. It'll get better, I'm sure.
Since we got here I have been preparing to meet with a potential employer by putting together a portfolio of all my arty stuff. I've gone through feelings of inadequacy, frustration, nervousness, fright, back to inadequacy for a while this time, and finally hope. I sure hope this all works out and my portfolio helps me get some job. I've applied for some other jobs, too, but haven't heard anything back from any of them. It's odd to me that most jobs have to be applied for online. That poses another problem since we don't have internet at our house yet. That's one of the other reasons I haven't posted in a while. Lucky for me the library has wi-fi and so does the institute, which is where I am now. All the little single kids going to FHE, I assume, keep looking at me like I'm strange. I guess I AM in my car, blasting my jazz music, and typing on my computer that's leaned against my steering wheel. I might look at someone like they're strange, too, if given the chance!
With all the time I've had I have ridden my bike a few times, went running, considered swimming at the apartment pool (I don't know about that), watched the first Star Wars, and painted a lot! Whitney's birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to paint something. I tried to do so during my inadequacy time, so that didn't go well. I tried again during my hopeful time and ended up with a lot of extra effort and desire to paint. I have been wanting to paint pictures of the pretty wrapping from a couple of gifts I got from some really great friends before we left. So, I got all my stuff together and sat down and did it! This is what I ended up with:
Then, I liked how that turned out, so I did another one. I obviously don't have the wrapping paper anymore, but I thought it looked fine to just put the embellishments on the silver box. By the way, I didn't plan on them turning out to be the same coloring, but whatever:

Then, I found a little ring box and some cute polka dot ribbon and did this guy (I think this is Mike's favorite.)

We went to dinner at some family's house last night and I made a pie with some of the blueberries we picked and some strawberries we got also when the parents were here and it turned out so delicious! I want more pie! Anyhow, when we got home I wanted to paint some more, so I did some touch up work on little polka dot man and then did this one. I think it might be my favorite so far. I think it's maybe painted best or I like the colors or something, but here ya go:

This morning I painted one more, but he's still drying, then he'll get a glossy finish, and then I'll photograph him and post him with the rest. So, there are 5 so far, but I'm hoping to make the present idea an ongoing project.
All in all we are doing really well in our new home, but we miss all of our friends and family. You are all welcome to come visit any time! :) Feel free, also, to send us emails and pictures to keep us updated on your lives.
We made the trek in 2 days, stopping in Pendleton after something like 11 hours of driving. Sunday, August 10, was our 1st anniversary and we spent it waking up in a bed and breakfast in Pendleton, Oregon, attending a sacrament meeting with some really nice Pendleton folk, eating year old cake at a gas station on the way out of town, driving a few more hours, and watching the olympics at the Howards. Oh, and Mike fell asleep early on Jocelyn's bed and I fell asleep on the couch watching olympics, so our 1st anniversary was super romantic!
Well, my parents and I had a fabulous next couple of days picking blueberries and driving around aimlessly in our new neighborhood. We found our way to the grocery store, steak house, The Home Depot, the outlet stores, a delicious downtown bakery, and even back home! We only needed the GPS once, or twice maybe. They left and I was seriously alone. Mike had to work, in fact he was an hour away in Salem and I was left to navigate myself around town and to sit at home in 102 degree weather (which was probably cooler than the inside of our 2nd floor apartment). I made it through the loneliness though- only because I call my mom like 3 times a day! Sorry about that, ma. It'll get better, I'm sure.
Since we got here I have been preparing to meet with a potential employer by putting together a portfolio of all my arty stuff. I've gone through feelings of inadequacy, frustration, nervousness, fright, back to inadequacy for a while this time, and finally hope. I sure hope this all works out and my portfolio helps me get some job. I've applied for some other jobs, too, but haven't heard anything back from any of them. It's odd to me that most jobs have to be applied for online. That poses another problem since we don't have internet at our house yet. That's one of the other reasons I haven't posted in a while. Lucky for me the library has wi-fi and so does the institute, which is where I am now. All the little single kids going to FHE, I assume, keep looking at me like I'm strange. I guess I AM in my car, blasting my jazz music, and typing on my computer that's leaned against my steering wheel. I might look at someone like they're strange, too, if given the chance!
With all the time I've had I have ridden my bike a few times, went running, considered swimming at the apartment pool (I don't know about that), watched the first Star Wars, and painted a lot! Whitney's birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to paint something. I tried to do so during my inadequacy time, so that didn't go well. I tried again during my hopeful time and ended up with a lot of extra effort and desire to paint. I have been wanting to paint pictures of the pretty wrapping from a couple of gifts I got from some really great friends before we left. So, I got all my stuff together and sat down and did it! This is what I ended up with:

Then, I found a little ring box and some cute polka dot ribbon and did this guy (I think this is Mike's favorite.)

We went to dinner at some family's house last night and I made a pie with some of the blueberries we picked and some strawberries we got also when the parents were here and it turned out so delicious! I want more pie! Anyhow, when we got home I wanted to paint some more, so I did some touch up work on little polka dot man and then did this one. I think it might be my favorite so far. I think it's maybe painted best or I like the colors or something, but here ya go:

This morning I painted one more, but he's still drying, then he'll get a glossy finish, and then I'll photograph him and post him with the rest. So, there are 5 so far, but I'm hoping to make the present idea an ongoing project.
All in all we are doing really well in our new home, but we miss all of our friends and family. You are all welcome to come visit any time! :) Feel free, also, to send us emails and pictures to keep us updated on your lives.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hal- the tomato plant
So, for Mother's Day, we visited my mom and went to church with her in Pocatello. That ward has a tradition of giving the mothers potted plants or flowers or something like that. The little Young Women girls handed one to me by mistake. I said, "Oh, I'm not a mother" and tried to hand it back. The adviser, who was standing in the vicinity, said to give me one because some day I might be a mother. Well, I was very excited- I've always wanted a bit of earth to start a tiny garden, but I never have lived anywhere I could. I brought Hal home to Salt Lake. He was maybe five inches tall or so. I potted him in a larger, roomier pot because I was anticipating that he'd grow to be a big boy! And, he surely has grown! He now stands- well, lays rather- probably 36 inches, I would say and just loves his bit of backyard patio to occupy.

Hal became so big that he was going all over the ground. I was sore afraid that he would get run over by the lawn mower-ist, so I needed to prop him up. He's sporting a fashionable yellow bowtie. We'll just overlook the pink because he's a man. Now that I look at these pictures- I think he's taller than 3 feet.

And here are his fruits! He's got some beautiful yellow flowers and some (three to be exact) pre-tomato tomatoes! I love Hal!

Hal became so big that he was going all over the ground. I was sore afraid that he would get run over by the lawn mower-ist, so I needed to prop him up. He's sporting a fashionable yellow bowtie. We'll just overlook the pink because he's a man. Now that I look at these pictures- I think he's taller than 3 feet.

And here are his fruits! He's got some beautiful yellow flowers and some (three to be exact) pre-tomato tomatoes! I love Hal!

Friday, July 18, 2008
Midnight masterpiece....
Okay, the title of this post is a little deceiving because I would, in no way, call this really a masterpiece. But it was started at midnight, so I needed something to push the alliteration, right Mister whatever your name was?! (Literature professor at ISU who LOVED alliteration) Here's another little birdie. This one's called a chestnut breasted coronet. And now I wish I could sleep!

Chestnut breasted coronet
Oil on board
Oil on board
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