So, for Mother's Day, we visited my mom and went to church with her in Pocatello. That ward has a tradition of giving the mothers potted plants or flowers or something like that. The little Young Women girls handed one to me by mistake. I said, "Oh, I'm not a mother" and tried to hand it back. The adviser, who was standing in the vicinity, said to give me one because some day I might be a mother. Well, I was very excited- I've always wanted a bit of earth to start a tiny garden, but I never have lived anywhere I could. I brought Hal home to Salt Lake. He was maybe five inches tall or so. I potted him in a larger, roomier pot because I was anticipating that he'd grow to be a big boy! And, he surely has grown! He now stands- well, lays rather- probably 36 inches, I would say and just loves his bit of backyard patio to occupy.

Hal became so big that he was going all over the ground. I was sore afraid that he would get run over by the lawn mower-ist, so I needed to prop him up. He's sporting a fashionable yellow bowtie. We'll just overlook the pink because he's a man. Now that I look at these pictures- I think he's taller than 3 feet.

And here are his fruits! He's got some beautiful yellow flowers and some (three to be exact) pre-tomato tomatoes! I love Hal!

1 comment:
fancy yellow bow tie. love it.
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