1. School-- This is a picture of the project I finished this weekend! I had a pattern drawn at 1/8 scale which I had to convert to 1/4 scale and redraw on cardstock. Then, I had to cut it out and glue it together. It was a fun project- harder than you might imagine. I also had a final critique for painting on Thursday night and I have a final exam for Geology Monday afternoon that I've been neglecting studying for.

2. Young Women-- As you may or may not know I am the YW 2nd Counselor, over the beehives. I found out two weeks ago that the beehives were in charge of the combined activity for the month of December. They wanted to do a Christmas party including a gift exchange and a dinner... (one wanted to provided entertainment also) Also, the bishop wanted all of the ward's activities to be focused on handmade gifts. So, with short notice we put together a fun evening for the wee things. We made different kinds of pasta and had salad, played a couple of Christmas themed party games, and had a handmade gift exchange. (My idea was to provide each girl with a box in which their gift had to fit. Notice the cute boxes in the image!)

3. This is going back a couple of weeks, but it kind of started everything off in a busy manner... I was super sick on Thanksgiving Day and a few days afterward. I was seriously wiped out- I even took naps during the days (For those who don't know, I DO NOT take naps- ever!). I don't have a picture of this, but it was pretty cute- just ask Mike!
4. Other random events and activities... For instance- our ward Christmas party. I signed up to make a dessert, so that took a bit of time. Whilst there, just minding my business, eating yummy food, I was whisked away to a corner room where some of Santa's little helpers proceeded to elf me. I became one of Santa's elves to help welcome the children and pass out gifts. This picture shows the before-- I'll see if I can find any pictures of after the transformation.

5. And, of course, I've had little kids to attend to (I quite like my job with the little tykes). Not to mention housework, dishes, laundry, and Christmas decorating and other things I haven't even gotten to.
I guess once school is done (tomorrow!) I'll have a bit more time for posting and painting.
1 comment:
i haven't talked to you in sooo long! i had no idea you were in YW!! that would be so fun! we need to talk soon. i'll try to call you this weekend!
keep the phone close!
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