For those who take a gander at my blog regularly, you know that I have been participating in the Different Strokes challenges pretty regularly since the beginning. I post my submissions nearly every time there's a new challenge and have had a great experience being involved with other fine artists. It is fun to look through each person's submission and try to gain a little bit from their creativity and style. I have "met" (web met, anyway) many artists I would have not had exposure to otherwise. Well, there are certain artists that I am particularly drawn to through each of these challenges and I have received a painting award by one said artist: Lesley Spanos
Thank you very much, Lesley! So, as part of this award I am to list 7 things I love and tag 7 other artists for this award.
7 Things I love:
1. Soup- I could probably eat soup every day and be really really happy about it.
2. Discovering new musicians- I love happening upon some really fabulous local music or obscure musical genre that I am able to adopt as a fave.
3. My family- of course that definitely means my super awesome, way-too-good-to-me husband, my parents and siblings, nieces and nephews, who live too far away, my extended family in various parts of the world, and my friends along the way who have become family on some level. (These are in no particular order, by the way. I love my family more than soup!)
4. School and learning- I have been working on the same degree for several years with life happening in between, but I am always very excited when I get to take classes! Currently I am taking 12 credits at the local community college!
5. Yellow ochre and titanium white- my two favorite colors to paint with. I can't get enough yellow ochre and I love finishing a painting with that highlight of white. I also love linseed oil.
6. Laughing- sometimes I just laugh at really silly, random things because it makes me feel good. I think Mike likes it to.
7. Sun and warmth- I am often cold, even in the summer, so on the rare occasion that I am warm and cozy I am in love! I love soft, cuddly blankies and super hot showers just to kick things off in that direction.
Okay, now 7 artists I nominate... (Some that seem to fall into that drawn-to category)
1. Sally Tharp
2. Maria Kovalenko Leysens
3. Dana Cooper
4. Debbie Miller
5. Carolee Clark
6. Torrie Smiley
7. Ed Marion
I am really honored you thought my work interesting enough to offer me the “Passion for Painting” award. Thank you.
Although I wouldn’t mind telling 7 things about myself, I don’t know 7 artists that I would tag so I must decline the challenge. Have fun!
Hi, and I am late responding, but thank you for the Passion for Painting award. I will get caught up soooooooon. But if I was on time I would have missed all the great news you have. So much to look forward to for you and yours! Thanks again, Maria
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