-Heart rate: 142
-Carrying high (from what I can tell so far)
-The hair on my legs is growing at the same rate as before, as are my fingernails
-My feet are always cold, but that's how they were before the pregnancy
-Mike doesn't seem to be gaining sympathy weight
-I am 25 and got pregnant in December (for those of you interested in the Chinese lunar calendar)
-My urine has been a dullish yellow (some of these are so ridiculous!)
-I usually crave salty or sour foods rather than sweet (which is weird, by the way- generally I LOVE me some sweets)
-I have been getting headaches, especially in the past several weeks
-If someone asks me to show them my hands I would probably do so palm side up
-A needle dangled from a thread directly above my wrist swings side to side (across my wrist, not from arm to hand.)
Okay, carry on! I'll let you know the news in a few days... unless I get too excited before then!

Oh hurray chelsie! I can't believe that you are already that far along to know the sex, wow you are almost there! I am so excited for you. I want to see a picture of your growing belly!
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you both: mostly because I know you are going to be great parents! And ps, I just checked out your artwork Chelsie: Phenomenal! You are my inspiration
Ok so i don't think the chinese calender works, it said i was having a boy and it was a girl... the only myth i believe is the heartrate!!!!
How long you going to keep these people dangling on a string wishing they knew that baby of yours is a boy....or girl....haha i just cant wait to make a quilt for "it". :)
Oh my sweet Chels.....boy how I miss your stinkin' face....and Mikes too! You WILL be great parents, and I know that little one will sure be loved. Can't wait to see your "baby bump" again...and not just in pictures. Sure love ya! Whit
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