I did this painting when my brother was in town to help me drive home. We decided to paint one night- or maybe it was two nights actually. I worked on an abstract painting for my dear friend, Teana, and I did this painting. Todd did the purple one! It was a good time- and they ended up being great Christmas gifts for our parents! Forgive the quality- they were taken on a cell phone. I forgot to take pictures using the real camera before wrapping them up.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Mystery portrait
The Different Strokes blog challenge this time was quite interesting. We submitted a photo of ourselves to Karin and she paired us with someone else. She sent us their submission and we were asked to paint it. So, I don't know who this lady is, but she is painting a picture of me! The photo was washed out without much depth, so I decided to give the painting more. I started with a bright red surface and left some of that color showing through. I wanted to have the focus of the piece more about the red undertones and green contrasts than her bright blue eyes, so I hope that doesn't offend. Anyhow, enjoy! And watch for the painting of me here.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow day
Portland doesn't get snow often enough to know how to handle it, so everything pretty much shuts down. There was a storm on Sunday (I think I told you about that) and another one today. I think the little ones have had snow days 3 of the 4 days this week, if not all four. I really wanted to make a snowman today after leaving work early for the "inclement weather."
Monday, December 15, 2008
Work boots
This is my submission for the Different Strokes blog. I did this so completely different than anything else, ever. I kinda like it! And, it's even better in person. Some of the colors got a little muddled in the photo. I started with a bright orange acrylic background on a highly textured handmade paper. (I've run out of small surfaces to paint on, so I had to get a little more creative) Anyhow, I loosely drew the picture onto the bright orange and just started painting. I knew I wanted to use a lot of blue in the shadows to play off of the orange flecks coming through, but I didn't know where to go from there. I started this piece after finishing my Christmas painting I talked about in the last post. I needed to finish this one in a hurry considering it was already 11:30 when I started. In all I think it took about 45 minutes. I will do more quick paintings like this for sure.
6X6Oil on handmade paper
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday stuff
I had to take Mike to the airport again this morning. I was supposed to do the lesson for YW and I prepared so much! I made the cutest little planner books for the girls with a reminder of how to stay stress free. The lesson was on avoiding crisis living- basically taking control of life through time management and organization. Anyhow, during Sunday School the bishop told everyone to go home because it snowed and the roads were getting pretty icy. This is the first snow of the year. Portland just isn't prepared for snow because it rarely happens, so any little bit really shuts down the town. So, I didn't get to give my lesson, I didn't get to give the girls their cute planners, and I had to come home to my empty, husbandless house. I'm working on a painting, though, so I did some more on that when I got home. I also need to finish crocheting some fingerless gloves for the girls for Christmas presents. They are also super cute, BTW! Check the pictures below. Hopefully I will finish my latest painting today so I can post it here as well. That would be swell!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Buddha and hydrangeas
This was for Karin Jurick's blog from a couple of weeks ago. I think I might change the background a bit, but this was the submission to the site.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A post or two or three are forthcoming...
For all you followers who are disappointed in the lack of posting lately (Mom) I thought I'd show you what's been taking quite a bit of my time lately...
1. School-- This is a picture of the project I finished this weekend! I had a pattern drawn at 1/8 scale which I had to convert to 1/4 scale and redraw on cardstock. Then, I had to cut it out and glue it together. It was a fun project- harder than you might imagine. I also had a final critique for painting on Thursday night and I have a final exam for Geology Monday afternoon that I've been neglecting studying for.

2. Young Women-- As you may or may not know I am the YW 2nd Counselor, over the beehives. I found out two weeks ago that the beehives were in charge of the combined activity for the month of December. They wanted to do a Christmas party including a gift exchange and a dinner... (one wanted to provided entertainment also) Also, the bishop wanted all of the ward's activities to be focused on handmade gifts. So, with short notice we put together a fun evening for the wee things. We made different kinds of pasta and had salad, played a couple of Christmas themed party games, and had a handmade gift exchange. (My idea was to provide each girl with a box in which their gift had to fit. Notice the cute boxes in the image!)

3. This is going back a couple of weeks, but it kind of started everything off in a busy manner... I was super sick on Thanksgiving Day and a few days afterward. I was seriously wiped out- I even took naps during the days (For those who don't know, I DO NOT take naps- ever!). I don't have a picture of this, but it was pretty cute- just ask Mike!
4. Other random events and activities... For instance- our ward Christmas party. I signed up to make a dessert, so that took a bit of time. Whilst there, just minding my business, eating yummy food, I was whisked away to a corner room where some of Santa's little helpers proceeded to elf me. I became one of Santa's elves to help welcome the children and pass out gifts. This picture shows the before-- I'll see if I can find any pictures of after the transformation.

5. And, of course, I've had little kids to attend to (I quite like my job with the little tykes). Not to mention housework, dishes, laundry, and Christmas decorating and other things I haven't even gotten to.
I guess once school is done (tomorrow!) I'll have a bit more time for posting and painting.
1. School-- This is a picture of the project I finished this weekend! I had a pattern drawn at 1/8 scale which I had to convert to 1/4 scale and redraw on cardstock. Then, I had to cut it out and glue it together. It was a fun project- harder than you might imagine. I also had a final critique for painting on Thursday night and I have a final exam for Geology Monday afternoon that I've been neglecting studying for.

2. Young Women-- As you may or may not know I am the YW 2nd Counselor, over the beehives. I found out two weeks ago that the beehives were in charge of the combined activity for the month of December. They wanted to do a Christmas party including a gift exchange and a dinner... (one wanted to provided entertainment also) Also, the bishop wanted all of the ward's activities to be focused on handmade gifts. So, with short notice we put together a fun evening for the wee things. We made different kinds of pasta and had salad, played a couple of Christmas themed party games, and had a handmade gift exchange. (My idea was to provide each girl with a box in which their gift had to fit. Notice the cute boxes in the image!)

3. This is going back a couple of weeks, but it kind of started everything off in a busy manner... I was super sick on Thanksgiving Day and a few days afterward. I was seriously wiped out- I even took naps during the days (For those who don't know, I DO NOT take naps- ever!). I don't have a picture of this, but it was pretty cute- just ask Mike!
4. Other random events and activities... For instance- our ward Christmas party. I signed up to make a dessert, so that took a bit of time. Whilst there, just minding my business, eating yummy food, I was whisked away to a corner room where some of Santa's little helpers proceeded to elf me. I became one of Santa's elves to help welcome the children and pass out gifts. This picture shows the before-- I'll see if I can find any pictures of after the transformation.

5. And, of course, I've had little kids to attend to (I quite like my job with the little tykes). Not to mention housework, dishes, laundry, and Christmas decorating and other things I haven't even gotten to.
I guess once school is done (tomorrow!) I'll have a bit more time for posting and painting.
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