Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mars roll... my new fave

Tonight I went to sushi with Teana (Te-Neasha, as I like to call her!) and friends and had a really great experience with a new roll. It is kind of the Teana tradition to go to sushi for her birthday and, since this is the blessed week of such an occasion, we did just that. We attempted to go to Happy Sumo (which I've heard is too trendy and, as such, a bit overpriced) but the wait was just too long. Teana decided, much to my approval, to change locations to Ginza! Love love love Ginza! Usually we get the X-roll and sometimes the Fubuki. We got both as well as the Mars roll. Boy, am I glad we added that tasty treat! It has tuna and crab on the top along with a slab of perfectly green avocado. What a great night of freaking fabulous food! Thanks, Teana, for being born and loving sushi!

1 comment:

Michael 聖 Brady said...

Sore de sa... Mars roll wo choo rabu rabu shiteru da so!