Actually, they've been done for about a month, but I just scanned them in so I could post them. This first one of Liam (surprise!) was a quick little thing to get me back into painting- it had been probably a month since picking up the brush so I needed to try to figure out how to do it again.

Yellow Shades
oil on canvas
And this painting I did for the
DPW Painting Challenge. As you can see I am WAY late posting this, since it was the challenge for the week of Feb. 12. You may remember that I did a lot of the challenges at Different Strokes... blog, but I haven't done much by way of painting challenges since that blog went away. This DPW Painting Challenge is the first of these challenge sites that I have found interest in. I hope to paint more regularly to participate in more (and maybe get them in on time!)

Rose on a Windowsill
oil on paper
I've got a couple of really exciting pieces in the works. One that I can't say anything about because it is a gift, the other is a piece I will be entering into the juried show through the Gresham Art Committee! I am seriously so excited about this painting! It will be BIG- 36X16 and colorful and awesome (hopefully!)