Saturday, April 24, 2010


I gave myself about an hour and a half to paint, start to finish. Liam was sleeping and I have lots of other things I need to do (I get to go see family in about a week!) but I haven't painted in far too long. By the way, the previous painting was named Liam, got it submitted to the show on time, but I didn't get in. :( I'm a little disappointed, but not much I can do about it. Next time...

Anyway, I gave myself an hour and half to do this painting for this site. This is my first submission to this online painting forum. I wanted to stay loose and just get it done so I can get on to other things. I don't know... I like the composition and colors well enough, but I think I could polish 'er up and have a more striking piece. Perhaps some day I will tweak it to my liking. For now, though, I'm off to clean or sew or make food or play with Liam or something.

oil on canvas board


natalie palmer said...

i love the teapot. i'm amazed that ou can make it look shiny. nice work.

Valley Art Project said...

Nice...I love your use of "yellow-green".