Friday, June 12, 2009

Veggie painting

Here's my latest painting for the DSFDF blog. I haven't painted in like 3 weeks or more, so I felt pretty rusty with this one. I think it turned out okay, though. I will probably be off painting again for a week or two because I get to go see the family! Remember the cute baby I posted a few weeks ago- Kinlee Bree- well, I finally get to go see her. And, my sisters are throwing a baby shower for me! Should be a grand ol' time with the fam-a-lamily! Until next time...

Summer Veggies
Oil on canvas board


SYLVIANE said...

very good painting, bright colors and reaolistic!

Torrie Smiley said...

The painting is beautiful! I am such a fan~


dominique eichi said...

VERY NICE DSFDF. You're getting very accomplished

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

This is very nice! I know how good it feels when you get to paint after a little break. I can't wait to paint... just got back from vacation... it's all good tho!!

adebanji said...

Its the colours I love here! Just those rich colours and subtle strokes!