I just completed one of the more difficult paintings I've done... ever. I have a few theories as to why it was so blasted hard: 1- I wanted to try out acrylics since I haven't for a while. I have gotten so used to the juiciness of oil paints that the acrylics just seemed dry. 2- I painted on paper. That was a bad idea from the beginning. Add to the dryness of the paints the dryness of the painting surface. 3- I have a lot of other things I should be doing but decided to paint instead. My focus was just not here. 4- There are a lot of colors in these little fruits. I was wanting to paint and get it done quickly so I could get on to other things, but I kept finding little flecks of blue or bits of yellow or green that needed to be in there. I don't think I would call this painting done, but I have to be done for now.
This painting is for the Rookie Painter online painting challenge. I think I've participated in it just a couple of times. Since the dissipation of the Different Strokes blog I am having a hard time painting as much as I should. But, I liked this photo and thought I'd give it a try.

7.5 X5.5
acrylic on watercolor paper