I will attempt to go in chronological order, but I'm having a hard time remembering everything in order. I believe first was the trip to Idaho for the baby blessing and baby shower. It was really great to be there for the blessing. Kevin did a great job and little Kinlee sure is a sweetie.

I already went out of order because the day before I left to go to Poky we celebrated Mike's birthday. Well, first we had a BBQ with some people in our ward on Thursday. Friday night Mike's sister, Kristen, and Keith surprised Mike by coming into town and meeting us at an Indian restaurant downtown. We had delicious curries and lassis and a stellar time.

I think I'm off again. At some point Mike's other sister, Yuki, and her family came to visit. I'm pretty sure that was before Mike's birthday... yes, I think that's correct. It doesn't look like I was a very good photographer for that trip, though, because I can't find any pictures. Likewise, Mike's mom came to visit just after (or just before--> ugh! I wish I had a better memory) Yuki's visit. Again, no pictures. But, we had a really great time visiting with family the last few weeks. Oh, and- even before all that we bought a house! I remember to include that now because we knew we were having people over right after moving in, so we got everything put away and looking like a home in just a few days. We bought a townhome with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, and lots of storage! We have a place for all our stuff and room to grow. I don't think I have pictures of our house, either- man, I'm not very good at this blogging stuff! We painted many of the rooms a pretty neutral color called water chestnut with white trim. I got to choose the accent wall colors and, let me just tell you, I'm not afraid of color! I chose a color called citrus punch for the wall between the living and dining room and a color called granny smith apple for the kitchen. I'm working on getting the baby room done in the next few weeks which will include a hand painted something on the walls and some other little paintings and things. I am also making all the bedding- just figured out exactly what I'm going to do yesterday!
Oh, look at me go... now I've really gotten out of order! Let's get back to my trip to Idaho... We spent a lot of time crafting! It was really fun for me! We made cards, helped Kambree with her Father's Day present for Kevin- a really neat, sentimental calendar, made a quilt (!!), and just had fun designing and creating things. We went to a movie or two, played games, ate delicious food, and just enjoyed family time. On Saturday while I was there my sisters threw a baby shower for me, which was so nice! They did a great job and I appreciate all the work they put in! I have the best family in the world! I couldn't transport a diaper cake in its entirety, so I did take a picture of it to show Mike (and you all!) what it looked like. It was from Yuki, who drove all the way from Salt Lake to come to the shower. April, Mendy, and Stacy also made the drive. What great people you all are!

I got lots of other really great things from really great people at the shower. I'm a little more prepared for the wee thing's arrival than I was before.
Okay, a few days after I returned home from Pocatello we had Mike's brother, Danny, and his family in town. We did some fun things with them, too. One day I went to the coast with them and we went to the aquarium. Here are some favorites from that trip:

And this one of Ian (and Anna on the back horse) on the carousel at the shopping center at Seaside:

I did pretty well documenting that trip, huh!? Well, next item of business, I believe, is Girl's Camp. I was a 4th year unit leader for our Stake GC this year. I am also 7.25 months pregnant! It actually wasn't too bad... we had mattresses to sleep on, showers, toilets, and delicious food. I definitely was totally fine! It was a little tiring walking around camp all day and just being in the sun.
We had a really great group of girls- 13 4th years in one cabin should have brought a lot more problems than it did! They were silly and fun and friends with each other. It was really fun to be with them all.
The theme was Bloom Where You're Planted and each of the units chose a name which fit that theme. Our girls decided on Soil as their name, amidst other units with cutesy flowery names like Forget-Me-Nots, Hibiscus Hotties, Cabbage Patch Girls, etc. Our girls were definitely more the Soil type, which was great for me!
Each unit does a skit for one night of camp and our girls definitely stole the show! They did a poetry reading thing with goofy poems they made up, or primary songs dictated dramatically, with drumming and guitar chords backing up the lyrics. It was hilarious and really suited the personality of Soil!


Each day the stake leaders went around for cabin checks. The cabin who did the best at keeping their place neat and tidy won an ice cream party at the end of the week. Well, Soil was a different sort of breed. They didn't care about ice cream. They didn't care about cleaning. They completely trashed the cabin for the main cabin check and this is what the stake leaders had to walk into:

Needless to say, they didn't win an ice cream party, but they definitely gave the whole camp a good laugh! They stuck with their theme of soil through it all! It was a really fun experience and I'm glad I went.
I think I might be ending this novel now... In most recent news my belly is getting big and the little guy is moving all around. As I said earlier, I have many projects to be working on to get ready for his arrival. I will try to remember to take pictures as I complete things.
Oh- here's a cute picture of baby Kinlee from a week or so ago: